Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Paul Broadway for San Diego City Council District 3

Due to term limits, the San Diego city council district three position is up for grabs in 2008. The first election won't be until June 3, but there are already seven "potential candidates" that have filed their intention to run form with the city clerk's office.

I've been leaning towards John Hartley because he seems honorable and because he's been pounding the pavement, knocking on doors and talking to constituents for years (he's been a repeat candidate for several elections now). He knocked on our door last year, we talked to him for a bit and we liked what we heard enough to say that we'd support his candidacy. I've not been happy with Toni Atkins lately, so I have no reason to support anyone that she endorses and I think John is an excellent representative for our community.

Having said that and taking nothing away from John Hartley, I'm throwing my support behind the newest candidate who just announced his intention to run: Paul Broadway. Paul was the owner of Sparky's (until it lost it's lease and was replaced by Hamilton's Tavern) and I've known Paul personally for several years through his participation on the Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee (and his postings to sdnet.eats). I like Paul and I think he deserves our support.


  1. Anonymous9:19 AM

    How/where can we find out more about Paul's ideas for our district?

  2. Anonymous11:05 AM

    You can call me at home @(619) 284-2331. Or you can e-mail me @ sdbar@earthlink.net. I hope to have my webpage up and running by next week. The address for my webpage will be www.broadwaypub.com, just like it was for Sparky's. I hope to hear from you. Paul Broadway

  3. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Will be looking at your webpage, Paul, thanks.

    I'm especially concerned about your perceptions of South Park. We are almost totally overlooked at the District 3 council level. Atkins, despite supposedly living in the area, has been almost completely unresponsive, except to the pro-business/developer groups who want to profit in South Park. Whitburn (maybe) and Gloria (absolutely) are too close to the developer/realtor/city Land Use agents (GGHCDC).

    Lots of newcomers and one or two oldtimers seem to think South Park isn't a real community with a real identity. Not true! The neighborhood has been on the map since the late 1800s, and it is NOT in Golden Hill, nor is it part of it. Parcels are mostly residential, from A Street to Juniper, with only a handful of small shops and groceries. We like it that way.
    We want to stay a quiet, residential area, not an infilled urban village.

    We are concerned about the potential loss of GALA grocery (great, very inexpensive fresh veggies, wine, and carne asada/steaks, among other things) and the development of the lot to a high-density mixed-use entity, with only a "boutique" grocery. Save us!

    Your thoughts? Look forward to seeing what you think about South Park.

  4. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Paul Broadway will file his official nominating papers for the June 3 election today, March 4.

    I have sent our official press release to all the local TV stations, and our Web site has been updated recently. Please see http://www.broadwaypub.com

    Thanks for your interest in Paul's candidacy!

    David R. Voth
    Assistant Treasurer and Campaign Manager
    The Committee to Elect Paul Broadway to San Diego City Council District 3


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